- the car is being sold on Friday, either I'll have to take it, or they'll come and fetch it, to be determined tomorrow
- my mother is brining me a rental car on Thursday morning. This took me several hours to figure out, as the "cheap" rental agency had some issues with their phone and was totally unreachable. Then finally my mom drove there, but they had no cars, so I had to find another cheap option and I finally did. :-)
- the lease company is sending me the final invoice tomorrow and thank God, the garage that is buying the car agreed to take care of all the formalities, so I have absolutely nothing to deal with anymore on that level
- changed my appointment with the osteopath, I'm going tomorrow because my back is hurting and now my left foot is hurting, probably because I am walking crooked. I'm feeling like some 90 year old...
- changed the end of our cable TV subscription to the end of February, so the kids will have something to watch (and we'll have some peace and quiet)
On the less fun side, Marlène was transferred to Fribourg hospital and she is really down. She is now talking of refusing the treatments proposed to her... I am hoping she'll change her mind, but she really sounded depressed on the phone. I'll call her again tomorrow. I can't go for a visit because I have to go to osteopath. :-(
Tomorrow the kids are off to daycare again, so in the morning I'll try and clean up the desk and start getting all the papers together for the taxes. Fun-fun... :-S I'll have to get some cleaning done too. Then off to osteopath, then fetch kids and the day is over again...
Ok, now for the trivia: Where the heck is my mouse???? Some kid took it to play with it and I haven't been able to find it for 3 days! So tomorrow I'll go mouse hunting, it must be under a bed or hidden in a tractor.
Woo hoo, first commentor.
Thanks Ron. :-)
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