Saturday, 11 April 2009

Apologies are in order

I need to present my apologies to all Cadbury lovers. You see, in Switzerland we cannot buy Cadbury, since we have chocolate there. Therefore I didn't have a base for comparison before arriving here. But some UK connected people told me that actually the Cadbury here doesn't taste the same as "back home". Considering the tone used, I can only suppose that this means that the "home version" is better. I still doubt that it would qualify as "chocolate", but it might be coming closer than the sugar-sand-palm oil concoction sold in a purple wrap here.

I was also told that African Coke has more sugar in it that the original one. Now I have a hard time believing this. Let's face it: this is a pure question of physics. If Coke had any more sugar in it than it already does, it would be solid.

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