Monday, 27 August 2012

You are dead to me

Now I don't usually get hyped up about music videos, but this one had me giggling the whole day. I like Train as some of their songs have been dedicated to me by various people and bring back good memories. So when I heard this on the radio the other day (in Canada right, because here we are singularly lacking stations playing anything else than Middle-Easterm "Habibi-central" music), I figured I might as well look it up on youtube.

The story line is simple: the singer gets ditched by the blonde girlfriend (as it happens) and instead of owning up to it, he comes up with various excuses to explain her sudden disappearance to his mates, thereby taking both denial and "you are dead to me" to brand new heights.

This five minute clip boasts a sunbed, a cement mixer, the Grim Reaper, a rabbi, a lion, a beheading, a mariachi band in the canned goods aisle, a pig foot, some tomatoes, a Katy Perry look-alike stealing the dead woman's shoes and ... drum roll... David Hasselhof who (much to everybody's relief) is neither running on the beach in his red swimming trunks, nor trying to sing.


And the look on Hasselhof at 4:06 is absolutely priceless.


xmathe said...

Yes, we know that he (DH) can move around like mercury... And it reminds me of an old masterpiece, a Czech music clip from the deep communist times, there was a guy in it... I think that specific movements are now taught at dance academies. Ok, I found it:

This one is subbed in Hungarian but English is also available.

Jeez, this is a socialist realist horror story with all the required dramaturgical, with co-op director, party secretary, Skoda etc. Hrabal and Forman along with Kafka in less than 3 minutes.

xmathe said...

dramaturgical elements...

this captcha here makes me crazy, tried at least six times before getting the green light. Soon i will need a decoding robot to prove successfully that i am not a robot