Saturday, 11 January 2014

Something new, old, borrowed and blue

I merged my two blogs. Back in June, or was it May, I started a new blog called cement factory nomads. I had a good reason back then to do so, but then things changed and I realised that I don't want to scrap under this blue sky. It kind of stuck with me from the very beginning, I wrote when I was happy, I wrote when I was upset, I wrote to make sense of things and to record them. So just leaving it all behind proved more difficult than I thought. But then when I got back to it a few weeks ago, I also realised that it was very dark and grey, reflecting a mood that is no longer mine. Cement factory nomads had a brighter and more colourful setup and some posts that talked about the wonderful holidays we had in Scotland. So I decided to merge the two, including posts and design. So this is my old blue sky blog with a new feel, borrowed from another blog that no longer exists.

Something new, something old, something borrowed, something blue.

I think I have the right combination to baffle the Evil Eye.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Creativity Day 5

"Perfectionism thwarts creativity" and "Everybody starts with a SFD (shitty first draft)" were the two postulates of today's creativity email. So, I have five minutes (four by now) to write something. I also could have painted or danced for five minutes but that did not happen and it is 22:24 by now, so I'll just stick to writing and typing real blooming fast. 2014 is my year of C R E A T I V I T Y. I decided to do things, to stop being afraid of failure, to abandon some conventions and break some moulds. I will experiment and produce a number of SFDs. Maybe lots. I will try new things and I will first suck at them. Surely I will keep sucking at a number of them. But some of them might just click and I will learn new skills, acquire new knowledge and generally widen my horizons on all levels. So from now on it is shitty first drafts for me! :)