Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Water in Khartoum

Dear Neighbours,

We could not help but notice that your water tank located on the top of your yellow building has an overflow issue.

Ever since we moved here almost two years ago, it would regularly flood the street. Thank God, a few months back the municipality decided to clean the sewage ditch that runs along our street. While I am not convinced that it did any good regarding the sewage issue, the resurfacing of the ditch means that now the water no longer flows into our yard but runs along the road instead. That is a great improvement, at least from our perspective.

While I do realise that the monthly flat rate of 50 pounds (about 10 USD) for water services does not necessarily provide a convincing financial incentive to install the necessary equipment preventing the overflow of your tank, I would like to kindly remind you that we happen to live in the middle of the desert where water is naturally scarce and therefore intrinsically valuable. Providing free street and carwash several times a week is arguably not the best way to use this precious resource.

However I must say that our tree planted along the above mentioned ditch looks healthy and strong and this is no doubt thanks to the copious amount of water that you so generously pour on its roots every week.

Best regards,
Your neighbours

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