Saturday, 14 April 2012

The news here

"Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall." (Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade)

It is similar for the news. There is no such thing as "objective news". Even if provided with as much good intentions and intellectual honesty as possible, it is always biased by its author's perspectives and values. As a result, I am usually not too keen on posting about the local news.

So I waited to post about what is going on here, simply because no one really knows what *exactly* is going on. From what I hear, none of this really made *The News* in Europe or elsewhere. But it is very much part of our reality here right now, even though it has not directly impacted us so far.

In order to reduce that bias issue, I will list a few different potential sources of information. I would suggest you check them all out and make your own idea.

- BBC New Africa
- Al Jazeera, special Sudan
- Sudan Tribune
- Reuters Sudan

These sites provide RSS feeds that make it easier to follow the latest developments, just click on subscribe. (I think this works with most browsers)

- Sudan Tribune
- Reliefweb Sudan
- Reuters Sudan
- AlertNet Sudan

See that line on the map? The main issue here is that some people think it should be further up, while others think it should be further down.

Pray for peace.

1 comment:

Ron Rollins said...

Did you get to meet George Clooney?